Asset and security labels

A safe and secure way of protecting your property is through using security tags and labels. Every one of us has lost or misplaced something and the same applies to busi-nesses.

Security tags
Using security and asset labels sends out a clear ‘beware’ signal to any would-be thieves. Having a security tag says that the item can be traced and so discourages peo-ple from trying to steal it. The thief might opt for an easier target, rather than targeting something which seems protected.

Types of asset labels
Bar codes have a lot of variety when it comes to asset and security labels. You have clean white labels embossed with black text and high quality, resilient, plastic labels.

You also have bar codes which identify when they have been tampered with. Asset la-bels may show the word ‘void’, for example. Void labels are used when the product is under warranty and the manufacturer wants to ensure that the product is not tam-pered with.

Another popular type of label is one which uses a vinyl-polyester mix of material known as ‘Metalon’. This brand of labels has the appearance of being ‘metallic’ and can also bond on uneven surfaces. A cheaper option are labels which are printed using only res-in.

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